Service Times

8:30 - 9:00 - 11:00


Sunday’s at Pleasant Hill



Chapel on the Hill

A relaxed service in our chapel for individuals of all ages who enjoy a more casual approach to the traditional service. We sing some favorite old hymns and enjoy the smaller setting of this service.



God is present in the quiet and in the chaos. People of all ages, stages, and abilities can worship together. We rejoice in being part of the chatter and noise, and movement of children and worship. This service is led by our Praise Band and features hymns along with music and songs from present day Christian artists.  The atmosphere is casual and inviting.  Come as you are and worship with us. We offer Children's Church and nursery for our little ones.


Sunday School

Serving all ages, we offer a variety of classes on Sunday mornings.



Full traditional worship complete with liturgies, creeds, hymns, children’s moment and sermon.

Children’s Church is available for ages 3-3rd grade and Nursery Available for birth - 2 years

The Grace Café

Sunday’s 8:30-11am

Did you forget to eat breakfast or grab a quick snack for the kids? Never fear the Grace Café is here!! Sometimes morning routines can be tough and we want to help make it a little easier by having something for you or your family to grab as you head to one of our early worship services or Sunday school. You’ll find us in the dining hall of the family life center every Sunday! No charge for items. A donation basket is available if you would like to contribute. We are absolutely thrilled to offer a snack and coffee bar to serve families each Sunday morning. Even if you’ve had your breakfast, feel free to stop by and say hello to those serving each week. We are thankful to all who are dedicated to this new ministry.

Sunday Evenings

Jan - Dec | 6th-12th Grade Youth

Sept - May | Adult Handbell Rehearsals

Aug - April | 4 years - 5th Grade Children’s activities